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Baseball. Советы профессионалов. Кэтчер.
Ivan Rodriguez' Catcher Tips   Советы Ивана Родригеса по кэтчингу
We asked Texas Rangers Catcher Ivan Rodriguez to give you some tips on becoming a better catcher.
Мы попросили кэтчера Техасских Рейнджеров Ивана Родригеса дать вам несколько советов о том, как стать хорошим кэтчером.

What are different ways to call a game for certain pitchers?

"Basically, it's the same thing. You've got to be ready any time and know that the hard throwers sooner or later they're going to throw some off-speed or breaking balls. You've got to be aggressive. When I'm behind the plate, I just take everybody aggressive, make them throw the pitches where they're supposed to throw. There's not different ways to catch a slow guy and a hard thrower, it's the same."

Какое название Вы давали бы играм в зависимости от определённого питчера?

"В основном, разницы нет. Ты всё время должен быть на готове и знать, что сильные подающие рано или поздно собираются бросить слабый мяч или падающий мяч. Ты должен быть агрессивным. Когда я нахожусь за домом, я попросту всех воспринимаю агрессивно, заставляю их бросать питчи туда, куда они должны их бросать. Нет разницы в способах приёма, что от слабых подающих, что от сильных, одно и то же".

How do you tell the pitcher what type of pitch to throw?

"To communicate with the pitchers, I talk to them before the game. We have a scouting report that they give to us before the game. We log the hitters' hits, what kind of pitching situation, counts, all of that.

"Then I talk to the pitcher and see 'how you feel, what kind of pitch you'd like to use more today,' things like that. And then when we go out there we try to study the hitters, and try to find their weakest spot. When we find that, that's where we're working the whole night."

Как Вы сообщаете питчеру, какой тип подачи он должен сделать?

"Чтобы поддерживать связь с питчерами, я разговариваю с ними перед игрой. У нас есть данные разведки, которые нам дают перед игрой. Мы изучаем удары бьющих, какая была питчинговая ситуация, счёт и всякое такое.

"Затем я разговариваю с питчером и интересуюсь "как ты себя чувствуешь, какие подачи в основном ты бы хотел использовать в сегодняшней игре", всё такое. А потом, когда мы выходим туда, мы стараемся изучать бьющих и пытаемся найти их слабые места. Когда мы их находим, именно с этим мы и работаем всю игру".

If a pitch is off the plate with runners on base, how do you block it?

"When men are on bases, you have to be alert. You have to be ready in any situation, these guys can run at any time. When I'm behind the plate, I sit down different. I put myself a little bit more up, ready to throw and always alert in every pitch.

"I try to put the (signals) in a place that the runners don't see it. If we've got men on base, we have to find a way so the first base doesn't see the signs. And the second base we're using more than one sign to make the runner think 'what kind of signs are they using?' I use a lot of different signs, there's not only one sign, I use a lot of different signs so the other team doesn't pick the sign when we're in the game."

Когда ранеры на базах, как вы блокируете мяч, если подача не удачная?

Когда ранеры находятся на базах, вы должны быть постоянно наготове. Вы должны быть готовы к любой ситуации, так как ранеры могут побежать в любое время. Когда базы заняты, то я принимаю позицию за домом немного отличающеюся от той, когда базы свободные. У меня колени согнуты под меньшим углом, а тело чуть приподнято, я всегда готов бросить на любую базу, а также я готов на каждую подачу.

Я пробую показывать знаки питчеру так, что бы ранеры их не видели. Если у нас на базах есть ранеры, то я должен показать знак, так что бы с первой базы этого не было видно. Если занята так же и вторая база, то мы используем комбинацию из нескольких знаков, для того что бы ранер, на второй базе, не смог догадаться о том какая подача будут подана, а так же для того, что бы другая команда в процессе игры не смогла догадаться об истинном смысле знаков.

What's the best way to catch a pop-fly behind home plate?

"When there is a fly ball, the first thing I do is just stay where I am. Just look up and stay where I am. And if the ball goes to the left, then I'll start moving to the left side. If it goes to the right, I'll start moving to the right side. And I always turn myself with my back to the field, because when a hitter hits a fly ball, the ball goes up and goes to the opposite way.

Какой способ является предпочтительным для того, что бы поймать флай над домом?

Когда мяч после контакта с битой взлетает вверх, над домом, то первая вещь, которую я делаю это, оцениваю моё состояние по отношению к мячу. Я должен стоя на месте посмотреть вверх и увидеть мяч. Если мяч слева от меня то перемещаться я начну в левую сторону, если мяч летит вправо, то я начну перемещаться в правую сторону. И я всегда поворачиваюсь спиной к квадрату, потому что, когда мяч от биты, поднимается флайем над домом, то после взлета мяч отклоняется в сторону квадрата.

Baseball. Советы профессионалов. Питчер.

Pedro Martinez' Pitching Tips   Советы Педро Мартинеса по питчингу

We asked Boston Red Sox Pitcher Pedro Martinez to give you tips on becoming a better pitcher and for some insight into his pitching experiences.

Мы попросили Педро Мартинеса, питчера Бостонской команды Red Sox, дать вам совет как стать хорошим питчером, помочь вам вникнуть в его опыт питчинга.
What is your technique for getting into fielding position after you deliver to the plate?

Pedro Martinez: You step forward as you come down from the full windup, or the stretch, and you have try to stay facing toward the plate completely to read the ball as soon as possible.

Какова техника Вашего перехода в позицию приёма удара после того, как Вы произвели подачу в дом?

Pedro Martinez: "Вы делаете шаг вперёд после выполнения полного виндапа или стретча, и вы должны пытаться остаться лицом к дому, чтобы как можно быстрей получить возможность следить за мячом.

What is your technique for covering first base when a ground ball is hit to the right side of the field?

Martinez: First of all is, read the ball. Read when the ball leaves the bat of the hitter. And make sure that if it's to the right side you take off on time. Then as you are approaching the bag, you try to make a little path where you can align yourself to go straight down toward the line so that you don't go across the runner. You don't want to go across the runner at a 45 degree angle, you want to go straight. By the time you get to the bag, you want to be straight down toward the line.

Какова Ваша техника для ассестирования на первой базе, когда мяч отбит роллингом по правой стороне поля?

Martinez: Прежде всего, следите за мячом. Следите за тем, как мяч отскакивает от биты отбивающего. Увидев, что мяч катится по правой стороне поля, бегите к лицевой линии первой базы, убедитесь, что у вас в запасе есть время. Поскольку вы приближаетесь базе, и бежите к лицевой лини, остановиться в нескольких метрах от базы, это делается для того, чтобы оставшееся расстояние вы преодолели параллельно лицевой линии с внутренней стороны поля и чтобы вы не пересекали путь ранера. Вы не должны пересекать дорогу ранеру под углом 45 градусов, надо бежать с ним параллельно. К тому времени, когда вы добираетесь до базы, вы должны быть параллельны лицевой линии. ("Следующего предложения в тексте нет, но мне кажется, это важно," - дополняет автор перевода.) На базу нужно наступить правой ногой, и сразу уйти во внутреннюю часть площадки, чтобы избежать столкновения с ранером.

What is your technique for covering bunts?

Martinez: First of all you have to read the ball quickly, react to it, and try to stay in balance -- that would be the key. Otherwise, you won't be able to make the throw and you won't be able to field the ball cleanly. You have to stay in balance and use your legs properly.

Какова Ваша техника для ловли подставок? 

Martinez: Прежде всего Вы должны поймать мяч быстро, и пробовать остаться в балансе, который является ключом к хорошей ловле подставки. Иначе Вы не сможете сделать бросок, и Вы не сможете правильно принять мяч. Вы должны остаться в балансе и использовать ваши ноги должным образом.

How do you communicate with the other infielders when there's a pop-fly in the infield?

Martinez: I just scream really loud, to who's the better person or the one that has the better chance to catch the ball and I try to let the other person know, the one that's near (the guy who should catch it), that the other person has the ball.

Опишите ваши действия по отношению к другим игрокам квадрата, после того, как мяч от удара биты поднимается флаем в квадрате?

Martinez: В этой ситуации я должен громко крикнуть тому игроку, который находится ближе всех к мячу или тому, у которого больше всех шансов поймать этот мяч. Я должен предупредить других игроков квадрата, которые находятся рядом, кто должен ловить этот мяч.

What different techniques do you use in keeping runners close at first and second base so they don't steal?

Martinez: Hold the ball. Just the hold the ball for a long time. You just have to realize that the game is not going to go on until you throw the ball. The only way you're going to freeze the runner on the base is if you hold the ball. And you kind of stare at them for a little while.

Какие различные методы Вы используете для того чтобы "ранеры" находились рядом с базами, так чтобы они не "воровали" базы?

Martinez: Держите мяч. Только держать мяч в течение долгого времени. Вы должны понять, что игра не будет продолжаться, пока Вы не бросите мяч. Единственный путь держать "ранеров" на базах - то, что Вы держите мяч. Смотрите на "ранеров" некоторое время.

What is the best way to hide your pitches from batters, so they don't know what's coming at them?

Martinez: Just try to create yourself a comfortable spot where you place the ball, and you don't move your hand up in the glove in a different way when you throw a pitch. But, if you want to do it you have to do it consistently the same way, so that whatever pitch you throw they can't pick up because you do the same thing all the time. It could be in your glove or the way you place it, but it has to be the same way all the time.

How do you stay so relaxed before you go out to pitch?

Martinez: I just realize that if I'm healthy and I'm able to compete I don't have anything to fear. So I'm always relaxed. I know that things are gonna happen, you're gonna lose games, you're gonna win games -- you're gonna have bad games, you're gonna have good games. So you might as well have fun with all of them because when your day is due nobody can take it from you.

Как вам удается оставаться таким спокойным перед каждой подачей?

Martinez: Я понимаю, что если я здоров и могу бороться с отбивающими, то мне нечего бояться. Поэтому я всегда расслаблен. Я знаю, что может произойти, мы можем проиграть игру, мы можем выиграть игру, у меня может быть хорошая игра, а может быть плохая игра. Это все наверняка с вами случалось, но когда наступает ваш день, то никто не сможет вам помешать.

What is it like when you get in a zone and you're striking out 15 batters in a game?

Martinez: It's a great feeling. You just feel in command of the game, you feel like you possess those guys. You have the ways to get their weak spots. You feel a sense that you can pretty much win the game when you're out there and you know you're overpowering people. If you stay positive and keep doing the little things, you're going to end up winning the game.

Что вы чувствуете, когда за игру вам удаётся сделать 15 аутов?

Martinez: Это - классное чувство. Приятно чувствовать себя полезным игроком для команды, а также приятно ощущать себя сильнее отбивающих, когда вы знаете их слабые места и используете это. В тот момент, когда вы на поле и отбивающие не могут отбить ваши подачи, вы знаете, что в значительной степени эту игру выигрываете именно вы. Вы понимаете, что если все и дальше будет так продолжаться, то в этой игре вы обязательно победите.

On certain days, even before the game, can you feel when it's going to be a good day?

Martinez: You know what, the main thing that makes sports so interesting is the fact that you don't know what's going to happen. But you know how you feel physically and it gives you a great relief inside. You just feel more confident when you know that you're feeling super-good.

Бывает ли так, что перед игрой вы чувствуете, что наступил ваш день? 

Martinez: Знаете, что делает спортивные состязания такими интересными - факт, что вы не можете предугадать, что произойдет. Но вы знаете, как вы физически чувствуете себя сегодня, и это помогает вам. Вы чувствуете себя более уверенным, когда знаете, что чувствуете себя суперхорошо.

Who was the person that taught you the most about pitching?

Martinez: I learned about pitching from my brother Ramon and also my pitching coach from the Dominican Republic, Eleodoro Arias. Both of them worked with me, and they taught me a lot. Probably the same, both of them.

Расскажите о тех кто научил вас подавать мяч?

Martinez: Меня выучил подачам мой брат Рамон, а так же мой тренер по подачам Елеодоро Арии из Доминиканской Республики. Они оба много работали со мной, и очень многому меня научили.

How much did it help having an older brother in the Majors?

Martinez: I think that was the most important step I ever had in my life. I knew what to expect, I knew what I was going to be facing. It wasn't easy, but I was aware of it, and I wouldn't say anything took me by surprise.

На сколько вам помогло то, что у вас старший брат играет в Majors? 

Martinez: Я знал, что ожидать, а также знал, с чем столкнусь. Я думаю, что это было наиболее важное решение, которое я когда-либо принимал. Это было не легко, но я был уверен, что не стану говорить, что что-то застало меня врасплох.

What kind of tips would you give to kids to help them become better pitchers?

Martinez: Just play. Play every day. Pitch as much as they can. They have to work hard and understand that it's not going to be easy. They have to understand that it's going to be probably the hardest thing that they're gonna have to face. But they have to do it, and do it thinking and be responsible about doing it.

Какие советы Вы дали бы детям, чтобы помочь им стать лучшими подающими?

Martinez: Только играть. Играйте каждый день. Подавать столько, сколько они могут. Они должны упорно трудиться и понимать, что это не легко. Они должны понять, что это вероятно самая трудная вещь, с которой они столкнутся. Но они должны делать это.

Советы профессионалов. Шорт-стоп.

Nomar Garciaparra's Shortstop Tips   Советы Номара Гарциапары о том, как играть на шорт-стопе

We asked Boston Red Sox Shortstop Nomar Garciaparra to give you some tips on becoming a better shortstop.

With runners not on base, how do you field your position?

Nomar Garciaparra: It depends on who's hitting. If you have a right-hander up and he has a tendency to pull the ball, and you check out the way your pitcher is throwing, then you might cheat over a little bit into the hole -- maybe try to cover the hole between short and third a little bit more. For the most part, it's kind of hard to say what straight up is. When a lefty is up you have a tendency to shade more toward second base also determining on who the hitter is and who's pitching. You're a little bit back, I play maybe one or two steps from the grass on the dirt. Every (field) is cut different, it varies, but that's basically the general area in which I'm standing.

How do you field your position on double play ground balls to either side of the infield?

Garciaparra: When the ground ball is hit to me, I've got to stay down and make sure I catch the ball first, that's the key. Then I'm going to pivot myself to throw a good, firm throw to my second baseman. The analogy I use to throw the ball is -- it's kind of like a dart, so it's an overhand (throw), it's not a full windup it's not a full throw -- it's a dart so (the second baseman) can control it and handle themselves to turn a double play. When it's hit to the opposite side (of the field), from the second baseman to me, I've got to position myself with my shoulders square to the guy who's going to be throwing me the ball so I can move either way. I keep my hands close when it comes to me, I catch it and I rotate my body so I can point my left shoulder toward first base so I can make a nice, accurate throw.

Who decides which player will take the ball at second base when the catcher throws down to throw out a runner?

Garciaparra: It depends on who the batter is -- if it's a right-handed batter the tendency is that the second baseman is going to take the throw rather than the shortstop taking the throw if the guy does steal. Because there is a chance that the batter may swing and hit the ball. You always assume the guy may pull the ball, that's taken into consideration. If you really don't know the guy (how he hits), you're going to assume that he's going to pull the ball, so you don't want to leave that hole wide open if he does happen to swing and there's a guy stealing -- so the second baseman will cover the base. If it's a left-hander the shortstop will cover the base when a guy is stealing. Those are basically the rules of thumb.

Who decides which player will catch the ball when it's popped up near second base?

Garciaparra: The first the thing about a pop-up is to make the play. No matter who's going to make the play, just make it. Whoever can see the ball better, or whoever is coming through. But the guy who is in charge of the infield is the shortstop. If he calls for the ball, everybody lets him take it. If it doesn't call for it, or if somebody else calls it, whoever calls it and feels they're under it, (the shortstop is) more than welcome to let the other guy take it -- it's a matter of who may be under it. But, if there's two guys calling it, the shortstop should take precedence and they usually let him take it over -- he's the guy in charge.

When a runner is rounding third and heading home, where do you position yourself on the field when the ball is hit to centerfield and to leftfield?

Garciaparra: When the ball is hit to leftfield, I will position myself at third base. The third baseman is going to be the relay guy from the outfield to home and the (runner) is going to score. I have to be standing by third base just in case the guy stops on his way home, or if he's in a rundown -- somebody has to be covering that base. The shortstop should be there covering third base because the third baseman is off his base for the relay throw from the outfield. When (the ball) is hit to centerfield, I'll be covering second base because the first baseman usually comes in to be the relay home. The second baseman will go over to cover first base to make sure the guy who hit the ball doesn't advance to second if it's a single. I have to stand on second base waiting there, so it doesn't give the runner the opportunity to advance to second. So everything is basically covered.

How can a shortstop improve their throw from shortstop over to first base?

Garciaparra: It's just a matter of playing catch. As you start playing catch, you start going for the distance. It doesn't hurt to just play catch from shortstop to the first baseman, from the actual position, so you can feel the distance -- what it's going to feel like, how far you've got need to throw (the ball), how much muscle you need to put into it, and what it takes. That's just a real simple way (to improve), and it gets you going. Once you actually field the ball, it's a matter of getting your feet into the proper position, pointing your left shoulder to your target and making a nice, firm overhand throw to your target.

Baseball. Советы профессионалов. Левый аутфилдер.

Rickey Henderson's Left Fielder Tips   Советы Рики Хендерсона о том, как играть на левом аутфилде

We asked San Diego Padres Left Fielder Rickey Henderson to give you some tips on becoming a better left fielder.

What is the proper technique for catching a pop-fly?

Rickey Henderson: I think the biggest technique is basically, get your body under the ball and really try to catch the ball with two hands. (Position yourself) behind the ball as the ball comes down.

When a ball is hit into the leftfield gap, how do you decide which player will catch the ball?

Henderson: (It depends on) which player gets there first, and the trail player is supposed to let him know where to throw the ball. With the ball in the gap, both players go to the ball and whichever (player) the ball is closer to, that's the one who covers the ball.

Is there a special technique to getting a good jump on the ball?

Henderson: Reading the pitches, trying to figure out how your players are positioned to the hitter, and then trying to read the ball off the bat. Just paying attention to the hitter. Before the game they tell you which way the hitters (tend to hit) the ball -- in the gap or if he's a pull hitter. So you line yourself up to that position.

How do you field fly balls near the warning track and the outfield fence?

Henderson: I think you've got to prepare yourself, but the warning track is usually the dirt part of the field, and once you get off the grass and you feel the dirt that's when you know you've got about two or three steps before you get to the wall.

How do you know when to throw home, and when to throw to the cutoff guy?

Henderson: The basic thing is throwing to the cutoff man, but you're really trying to throw through the cutoff man. You're throwing to the cutoff man, just in case he wants to cut the ball.

Baseball. Советы профессионалов. Центральный аутфилдер.

Ken Griffey Jr.'s Center Field Tips   Советы Кена Гриффи младшего о том, как играть на центральном аутфилде

We asked Cincinnati Reds Center Fielder Ken Griffey Jr. to give you some tips on becoming a better center fielder.

Мы попросили Кена Гриффи младшего, игрока команды Цинциннати Редс, дать вам несколько советов о том, как стать хорошим центральным филдером.
What is the proper technique for catching a pop fly?

Ken Griffey Jr.: Thinking of your form, which would be the glove in basically the center of your body.

Какова, по-вашему, правильная техника приёма флая?

Ken Griffey Jr.:Контролировать себя, то есть держать ловушку по большей части перед собой.

When a ball is hit into the leftfield or rightfield gaps, how do you decide who will catch the ball?

Griffey: You both run toward it, and one will call it. But, the center fielder if he feels that he can catch it, he usually calls it and throws it.

Когда мяч идёт в промежуток на левый или правый аутфилд, как Вы принимаете решение, кто будет брать мяч?

Griffey:Вы оба бежите к нему, и один из вас кричит, что возьмёт мяч. Однако, если центральный филдер чувствует, что может взять мяч, он обычно и говорит об этом, принимает и бросает мяч.

Do you have a special technique for getting a good jump on the ball?

Griffey: Just watching it when it goes through the hitting area. When a guy starts to swing, if the catcher moves away then I usually go in that direction and if he moves in then I go in that direction. So, it just depends on where the pitcher pitches the ball.

У Вас есть какая - нибудь особая техника по выполнению хорошего прыжка к мячу.

Griffey:Я просто наблюдаю за мячом, как он проходит зону удара. Когда парень начинает выполнять удар, то если кэтчер отодвигается, я обычно следую в этом направлении, а если он делает движение внутрь, тогда я направляюсь в ту сторону. Таким образом, это зависит от того, куда питчер направляет мяч.(По-видимому, имеется ввиду, что если подача идёт вправо от кэтчера, то и удар скорее всего будет на правый аутфилд, и наоборот.)

How do you field fly balls hit near the outfield fence? Do you have to prepare differently when the ball is hit that deep?

Griffey: No, if you run into the wall (it's no big deal) you just run into the wall. I try to catch everything, and so if I hit the wall, I hit it. I've broken both hands, so it really doesn't matter. I broke my left hand on a catch.

How do you know when to throw home and when to throw to the cutoff guy?

Griffey: Well, you try to hit the cutoff guy every time. Let him make the throw and let him make the decision. What you're trying to do is, if you have a chance to get the guy (out) at home, you still throw it through the cutoff man so the runner doesn't advance.

Baseball. Советы профессионалов. Правый аутфилдер.

Shawn Green's Right Fielder Tips   Советы Шона Грина о том, как играть на правом аутфилде

We asked Los Angeles Dodgers Right Fielder Shawn Green to give you some tips on becoming a better right fielder.

What is the proper technique for catching a pop fly?

Shawn Green: To catch a pop fly, you want to make sure you get behind the ball and you're coming to it toward the base you're throwing (the ball to). When you catch it, you want to try to catch the ball out front and hopefully have your momentum going forward.

When a ball is hit into the rightfield gap, how do you decide who will catch the ball?

Green: You have to really communicate, especially in the outfield because guys are running a long way and as hard as they can, so you've got to make sure you talk. One guy has to say "I've got it, I've got it" and the other guy says "take it." Or you guys come up with something that works for you.

Do you have a special technique for getting a good running start when the ball is hit?

Green: Yeah, everyone has different ways of getting started. For me, I like to have a little bit of movement. Sometimes I'll take a couple of steps right when the pitcher is about to throw the ball, right when it gets to about home plate. So at least I have a little bit of movement, I don't want to be standing there flat-footed. You want to be at least moving around.

How do you field fly balls hit near the outfield fence? Do you have to prepare differently when the ball is hit that deep?

Green: When it's hit deep, you're running hard. You want to keep practicing so you kind of have a good idea of where the ball is going to go. You want to run back, take a peek at the fence, and as you get close to it you want to stick your arm out so that you'll feel the wall before you run into it.

How do you know when to throw home and when to throw to the cutoff guy?

Green: You always want to be able to throw through the cutoff guy, so when you're throwing home from right field, the first baseman would be the cutoff man -- you want to try to throw it right through his hat. So that maybe the next one I'll throw to home, and if not, they can cut it.

Baseball. Советы профессионалов. Первая база.

Tino Martinez' First Base Tips   Советы Тино Мартинеса по игре на первой базе

We asked New York Yankees First Baseman Tino Martinez to give you some tips on becoming a better first baseman.

With runners not on base, how do you field your position?

Basically, with nobody on base I play straight up. It depends on who's hitting -- sometimes with a left-handed hitter you may cheat them towards the line a little bit, and if it's a right-handed batter I just play straight.

With a runner on first base, how do you field your position and how do you hold the runner?

I try to cover as much ground as I can, because the hole is on the right side there, and I just basically try to wait until the last second when the guy throws home and just cover as much ground as I can.

Where do you position yourself when an outfielder is throwing the ball to home plate and you are the cutoff man?

I look at home plate -- I try to line myself up so I know when the guy throws the ball to home plate he's going to throw right at me in a direct line -- and I try to listen to the catcher. But you really can't hear, so you've got to look at home plate yourself and then try to pick up the outfielder.

How do you field a pop-fly when it's really sunny out? Do you prefer wearing sunglasses or eyeblack, and which works better?

Neither really works, eyeblack helps with the glare a little bit, but I don't really put my glasses down because I lose my depth perception of the ball, so I try to just shield the sun with my glove.

On a double play opportunity, how do you shorten the distance of the throw and stretch for the ball?

You can't stretch too early because if the ball is left or right you won't catch it, so you've got to wait until the guy releases the ball to see which way it's going, and then try to make the longest stretch you can make in that direction.

Baseball. Советы профессионалов. Вторая база.

Roberto Alomar's Second Base Tips   Советы Роберто Аломара по игре на второй базе

We asked Cleveland Indians Second Baseman Roberto Alomar to give you some tips on becoming a better second baseman.

With runners not on base, how do you field your position?

Well it depends. If he's a pull hitter, I try to take two steps to my left and I mainly play everybody almost in the same position -- in the normal position. Maybe 10 feet away from second base, to my left. That's where I play almost everybody normally.

How do you field your position on double play ground balls to either side of the infield?

When there's a man on first and it's a double play situation you have to play close to the base -- to avoid injury. When you're going for a double play -- play close to the base, get there as soon as you can and just try to avoid when the runner could hit you.

Who decides which player will take the ball at second base when the catcher throws down to throw out a runner?

Me and Omar (Vizquel, the shortstop), he gives me the sign. With an open mouth, that means that I got it, with a closed mouth that means that he's got it. That's the easiest way we do it.

Who decides which player will catch the ball if it is popped up near second base or short centerfield?

Whoever calls the ball is the one who's supposed to catch it. Anytime you have a ball behind second base, whoever calls the ball is the one who's going to catch it.

Where do you position yourself on the field when the ball is hit to centerfield, rightfield or leftfield?

If there's a man on second, the second baseman goes all the way to first base. First base makes the cutoff man just in case the first baseman cuts the ball, you can get the guy in a rundown from first to second. Other times with men on second and third -- when they hit the ball to centerfield or rightfield, the second baseman has to go to first base. Then if the ball is hit to leftfield, the second baseman goes to second base.

Советы профессионалов. Третья база.

Robin Ventura's Third Base Tips   Советы Робина Вентуры о том, как играть на третьей базе

We asked New York Mets Third Baseman Robin Ventura to give you some tips on becoming a better third baseman.

Мы попросили Робина Вентуру, защитника 3 базы команды Нью-Йорк Метс, дать вам несколько советов о том, как стать хорошим игроком на 3 базе.
With runners not on base how do you field your position?

Depending on if the guy bunts or not -- if the guy bunts you get in real close. And if he doesn't, you get back as far as you feel comfortable. The ball tends to get hit down there pretty hard, so you want to get back -- depending on how fast the runner is determines how far back you can get -- whatever feels comfortable.

Как Вы выбираете позицию при отсутствии бегущего на базе?

В зависимости от того, ставит ли парень бант или нет. Если ставит бант, подходишь как можно ближе, если нет, отходишь подальше настолько, чтобы чувствовать себя комфортно. Чаще всего мячи отбиваются довольно сильно, поэтому тебе хочется отойти подальше; от того, насколько быстр бегущий, зависит, насколько далеко ты можешь отойти - так, чтобы чувствовать себя удобно.

On a double play ground ball to the left side of the infield, how do you field your position?

You always want to make sure that once you feel that you're still moving toward second base -- you want to kind of wait for the ball to get close enough to you that you start your movement towards second base. So when you catch it and throw it, it's in one movement.

Когда играется дабл плей при граундере на левый инфилд - каковы Ваши действия?

Ты всегда хочешь удостовериться, что как только ты почувствовал, что продолжаешь двигаться ко второй базе, тебе хочется задержаться на миг, чтобы мяч подошёл ближе к тебе настолько, чтобы ты мог начать движение ко второй базе, так что когда ты ловишь и бросаешь мяч - это одно движение.

How do you position yourself when a runner is on second and threatening to steal third base?

Well, the guy on second you just want to make sure that you keep an eye on him if you know he steals -- because if he's stealing you want to wait as long as you can to see if the guy at home plate hits (the ball). But if he doesn't, then you have to be close enough to actually get to third base by the time the catcher throws it. So, you want to kind of cheat a little bit to third base. When (the runner is) fast, they're going to go -- they're not intimidated by you (the third baseman), usually the catcher does that, but you just want to keep an eye on them.

How do you position yourself on a fly ball in leftfield foul territory? Who decides which player will catch the ball there?

The shortstop actually lets you know and usually if the ball is behind you, the shortstop is going to catch it. So, you basically go back in foul territory until he calls it.

When a runner is rounding third and heading home, where do you position yourself when the ball is hit to the outfield?

Usually about 15 feet in from the grass. You want to stand right there and make sure the guy touches third base and be on your toes for the ball coming in.

Источник: http://mlb.com
Категория: Техника и методики игры | Добавил: Minashka (15.03.2009)
Просмотров: 1442 | Комментарии: 3
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3 технобита   (16.03.2009 12:56) [Материал]
спасиба за инфу

2 hunter   (15.03.2009 19:45) [Материал]
На основе твоих статей мы разработаем методические рекомендации для команды. Супер. Спасибо! cap

1 Minashka   (15.03.2009 12:28) [Материал]
P.S. Перевод Alex Pavlenco, не мой)) вобщем у кого есть желание допереводить U R WLCM!!! clap clap deal

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